App made for Hotel Management
Rooms Booking Restaurant Reservations Services billing and expenses

Hotel Frontdesk Board
See the booked restaurant tables at any moment
See the daily restaurant requests
Follow the day reservations, the week ones or the month ones
See available rooms
Add Reservations and see the existing ones.
Get the number of the reservation, the person's name, check-in and check-out dates.
Visualize the rooms state in interest dates.
Cleaning services
Get information about cleaning services.
Add all types of cleaning, the room, the inspector and state.

Table Reservation
Get a general view for the tables reservations.
Manage tables reservation in a easy and intuitive way, visualize the reservation number, the room number, the time, the clients name, the table number and the state of the reservation.
Manage the client's requests.
Get the reservation number, request's number and date, client's name, table's number, request's state and value.
Manage all table requests.
Visualize the requests number, date, table's number, room's number, client's name, request state and value.

Kitchen Tickets
Visualize kitchen requests.
Get info about this requests, like the number of the ticket, the reservation number, the room number, date, client's name, table's name and list of requests.
Reservation State
Observe the number of reservations and the state they have.
State by Restaurant
Observe the number of reservations by restaurant and the state they have.
Add and visualize the amenities from the hotel rooms.
Add and visualize all types of amenities from the hotel room.
Visualize the Amenities by Category.
Visualize all services by category.
Add and see all types of services.
Visualize and add Hotel Services.
Create and visualize the domestics activities.
Add and visualize domestic activities.
Coin Exchange
Simplify coin exchange.